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The ultimate guide to Broadcast-grade streaming

Keep up with the latest news on broadcast-grade live streaming at scale with our published Whitepaper. This whitepaper is the result of scrupulous joint work by industry experts that explains what we have learned about video streaming technology so far, how we developed our innovative, sustainable and cost-effective solutions, and outlines our future plans that are ahead of the curve. 

The Whitepaper created by industry experts provides valuable insights and recommendations to decision-makers, stakeholders, and interested parties. It is a valuable resource for understanding the impact of Edge CDN on media industries.

A content delivery network (CDN) must be designed and operated in a particular way to achieve demanding video streaming KPIs, including quality and cost, especially for live video.

The core responsibility of a CDN service provider working with live video delivery – the most performance sensitive content delivery use case – is to leverage every possible pathway from the CDN Edge to the consumer to achieve perfect delivery performance. This relies on intelligent software to manage content and streaming sessions, which requires industrial-grade real-time monitoring capabilities that can be acted upon by the CDN.

As we move into a world of streaming that will be dominated more and more by live video, the bottom line for Streamers is that your CDN partner really matters. Choosing the right video streaming specialist will yield important benefits. In the end, there are different types of CDN providers. Those that are fully focused on delivering broadcast- grade streaming video are best positioned to help deliver the best QoE (quality of experience) to your audience and the best results to your business.

In this Whitepaper you will learn:

  • how MainStreaming has architected and implemented its Video Edge Network
  • how DAZN benefitted from MainStreaming’s technology and services to bring its transformational streaming-only services to Italian Serie A football fans
  • how to consider capacity-based vs. consumption-based models to achieve best-in-class streaming performance and ROI

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