We stream the future!

We are an intelligent media delivery company that empowers media, enterprises and gaming companies to ensure the best Quality of Experience to their audience, through our revolutionary AI-powered technology.

We optimize the viewing experience with our IMDP INTELLIGENT MEDIA DELIVERY PLATFORM®, the first platform designed to guarantee full control over the streaming process, the highest Quality of Service and the best Return on Investment.

Our Vision

To shape the next generation of video streaming by incorporating intelligence as a standard for video delivery distribution.


To boldly go where no streaming service has gone before​

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YoY Turnover Growth Rate
Industry awards
Team members​
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Satisfied customers

Why choose us​


The Only Delivery Network Designed for Video Streaming​


Powered By The Latest AI Technology


Agile & Collaborative Team

Our Mission

To foster an AI-Technology revolution that will shake the traditional architecture. We’re paving the path for  innovative intelligent distribution, which will exponentially improve streaming governance, network efficiency and resource optimization.

Our Commitment

We participate in several business associations and international networks. This helps us foresee trends and generally be involved in industry activities for the development of new standards that enable intelligent video streaming.



Want to know more?

Read our Whitepaper!

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Our team of experts

Drawing on decades of proven experience, our team of experts is here to provide dedicated guidance throughout the entire process, ensuring that you achieve the result you want.

We are ready to go above and beyond to help you reach new heights.