Analytics - real time
This page will introduce you two tabs relative to real time data: Sessions and Response Codes. You can refine your graph limiting the data shown on your graph utilizing the Content ID filter. You can search by Content ID or Content Title, after typing the third letter you will be presented with a list of suggested finds.
This graph shows the sessions count in realt time, with a frequency of data population set at ten seconds, from the past five minutes to now. Results for Icecast and Progressive Download connections are shown when the session is ended.
This table shows the most followed contents being viewed in real time, with a frequency of data polupation set at ten seconds, from the past five minutes to now, giving you the information about Content ID, Title and Session Count, aggregated by ContentID. Results for Icecast and Progressive Download connections are shown when the session is ended.
This graph shows the Edge hits response codes in real time, with a frequency of data polupation set at ten seconds, from the past five minutes to now, helping you understand what is happening with your content. Results for Icecast and Progressive Download connections are shown when the session is ended. 2xx represent requests successfully received 3xx represent a redirection 4xx represent client errors 5xx represent server errors Other represent additional response codes not commonly seen On top of the STACKED and NORMAL visualization, you can select HISTOGRAM where you can see the different codes count separated.
This graph shows you how much volume has been used to deliver the content in real time, with a frequency of data population set at ten seconds, from the past five minutes to now. Results for Icecast and Progressive Download connections are shown when the session is ended.
This table shows the contents traffic real time, with a freque
ncy of data population set at ten seconds, from the past five minutes to now, giving you the information about Content ID, Title, Response Code, Hit Count and Volume, aggregated by ContentID. Results for Icecast and Progressive Download connections are shown when the session is ended.